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Student Activities & Events

Holiday Celebrations

Holiday Celebrations

Valentine's Day is full of exchanging cards and sweet treats.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Telling Santa what to bring for Christmas.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Christmas Tree Hunt. Thank you United Methodist Men's Club!

Advent Season

Advent Season

Three Wise Preschoolers

Advent Season

Advent Season

The angels ready to announce the birth of baby Jesus.

Advent Season

Advent Season

The shepherds that watch over the sheep.



Coloring eggs with the help of St. John's terrific parent volunteers!

End of the Year Family Picnic

End of the Year Family Picnic

The social hall is ready for the end of of the year family picnic.

End of the Year Program

End of the Year Program

Preschoolers performing during the end of the year program.

Unit Study

Unit Study

Preschoolers enjoying a camping trip at school. St. John's has a different unit theme each week.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

A smore is the perfect snack during a camping unit.

Science Lab

Science Lab

Carving Pumpkins

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day

Enjoy a wee bit of fun and decipher clues to find hidden treasures that the leprechauns left on St. Patrick's Day and then enjoy a special snack.

Science Lab

Science Lab

During a life cycle study preschoolers watch a caterpillar munching on a milkweed leaf.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

St. John's visit the Legacy Retirement Village.

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

One of the first units of study is about the life cycle of a butterfly and Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Science Lab

Science Lab

In the spring preschoolers cultivate their own garden.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Food Drive for the Blue Ridge Food Pantry.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

Laura Numberoff

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Sniffmittenhoof Line. Collecting warm articles of clothing for children in need.

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Easel Painted Snowmen

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Pumpkin Decorating

Health Curriculum

Health Curriculum

Rabbit Food

Science Lab

Science Lab

Inside Nests

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Three Year Old Class Flower Garden Art.

Health Curriculum

Health Curriculum

Dr. Brumbaugh's Dentist Office visits St. John's. Preschoolers learn how to make healthy eating choices and care for their teeth.

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

A Plump and Perky Turkey

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Staunton Police Department's Sgt. Shiflett talks with preschoolers about her job.

Drama Play

Drama Play

Dressing up and reacting the first Thanksgiving.



All dressed up in festive attire for a Costume Parade.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

Preschoolers prepare a snack inspired from a unit of study on spiders.

Science Lab

Science Lab

Observing butterflies during a life cycle unit of study.

Life Cycles

Life Cycles

Caterpillar to a Butterfly

Staunton City Fire Department

Staunton City Fire Department

Staunton City Fire Department visits to share about fire safety.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Staunton Augusta Rescue visits. The preschoolers see inside their squad and learn what to do during emergencies.

Pajama Day

Pajama Day

Wear your pajamas to school and bring your favorite stuffed animal.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

St. John's holds an annual trike-a-thon to raise money for UMCOR.

Chapel Time

Chapel Time

Each week, Pastor Chuck holds Chapel Time with the preschoolers.



In celebration of Easter, we color eggs and hold an Easter Egg hunt.

Music Education

Music Education

Guest musicians join us for Music Education.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Make beautiful valentines for family members and send them by the US Postal Service and participate in a valentine exchange with classmates. Preschoolers exchange Valentines and enjoy sweet treats.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Goodbye Mr. Postman! Thanks for stopping in today to mail our valentines.

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Rainbow Art

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

Celebrate Dr. Seuss and show & tell your favorite Dr. Seuss Book, participate in Crazy Hat or Silly Sock Day.

Season of Lent

Season of Lent

Join the Palm Parade & Holy Week Festivities.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

A visit from Staunton City Fire Department to promote fire safety. Thanks for our hats!

Welcome to our Photo Gallery

Welcome to our Photo Gallery

One of St. John's official tee shirts.

Green Room

Green Room

The Green Room is home to the Two Year Old Classroom.

Red Room

Red Room

The Red Room is home to the Four Year Old Classroom.

Blue Room

Blue Room

The Blue Room is home to the Three Year Old Classroom.

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

One of the first units of study is about the life cycle of a butterfly and Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

Laura Numberoff

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

Celebrate Dr. Seuss and show & tell your favorite Dr. Seuss Book, participate in Crazy Hat or Silly Sock Day.

Author of the Month

Author of the Month

Jan Brett and "The Mitten".

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Pumpkin Decorating

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Easel Painted Snowmen

Inspired Art

Inspired Art

Hot Cocoa Mugs

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

Three Year Old Class Flower Garden Art.

Science Lab

Science Lab

During a life cycle study preschoolers watch a caterpillar munching on a milkweed leaf.

Science Lab

Science Lab

Observing butterflies during a life cycle unit of study.

Science Lab

Science Lab

Inside Nests

Science Lab

Science Lab

Color Experiment

Science Lab

Science Lab

Planting a flower during the life cycle study of plants.

Science Lab

Science Lab

In the spring preschoolers cultivate their own garden.

Science Lab

Science Lab

Watching our dinosaur egg hatch.

Unit Study

Unit Study


Unit Study

Unit Study

Preschoolers enjoying a camping trip at school. St. John's has a different unit theme each week.

Health Curriculum

Health Curriculum

Rabbit Food

Health Curriculum

Health Curriculum

Dr. Brumbaugh's Dentist Office visits St. John's. Preschoolers learn how to make healthy eating choices and care for their teeth.

Social Science Curriculum

Social Science Curriculum

Voting for a special snack as preschoolers learn about democracy on Election Day.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

The Very Hungry Caterpillar fruit snack

Inspired Snacks

Inspired Snacks

It's a red apple pie day.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

Preschoolers prepare a snack inspired from a unit of study on spiders.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

A smore is the perfect snack during a camping unit.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

Pudding for soil and m&m's for seeds make a delicious garden snack.

Inspired Snack

Inspired Snack

Vegetable Flower

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Mixing up Muffins.

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Group Time learning calendar skills.

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Building Blocks

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Listening Center

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Lego Building

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Easel Painting

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities


Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Play Dough Creations

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Sensory Bin

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Conversations and Leisure Reading

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Table Activity one to one color correspondence

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Table Activity making fruit loop rainbows.

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Vegetable Stamp Printing

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Carpet Time

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Centers: The Market

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Dramatic Play making pizza

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Dramatic Play Fire Department

Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Dramatic Play Veterinary Office

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Chillin' in the Playhouse

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Parachute Fun

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities


Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Sidewalk Chalk Drawings

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Monkey Bars

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Bubble Blowing

Chapel Time

Chapel Time

Chapel Time in the Sanctuary.

Chapel Time

Chapel Time

Each week, Pastor Chuck holds Chapel Time with the preschoolers.

Chapel Time

Chapel Time

Chapel Time in the Yellow Room

Music Education

Music Education

Guest musicians join us for Music Education.

Physical Education

Physical Education

When it's cold outside the preschoolers enjoy movement to music during Zumbini Class.

Unit Study

Unit Study

Guest speaker from our local Farm Credit Office shares with preschoolers about where their food comes from during farm week.

Unit Study

Unit Study

A visit from our local Farm Credit Office sharing about Ag Week with goodies for everyone to take home.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

The Staunton Public Library Storyteller and Mikey the puppet share book selections monthly with St. John's.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Goodbye Mr. Postman! Thanks for stopping in today to mail our valentines.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

A visit from Staunton City Fire Department to promote fire safety. Thanks for our hats!

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Staunton Police Department's Sgt. Shiflett talks with preschoolers about her job.

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Staunton Augusta Rescue visits. The preschoolers see inside their squad and learn what to do during emergencies.

Field Trips

Field Trips

The preschoolers stop exercising long enough to take a group photo at the YMCA.

Field Trips

Field Trips

Shenandoah Pizza

Field Trips

Field Trips

Klines Ice Cream for a treat!

Field Trips

Field Trips

Buffalo Gap Food for America Day

Field Trips

Field Trips

During kinderpendence the four year old classroom takes a ride on a school bus and learns about bus safety.

Field Trips

Field Trips

School Bus

Field Trips

Field Trips

Peeping in on kindergarten at McSwain Elementary.

Field Trips

Field Trips

The Pet Store

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Pumpkin Fun

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Carving Pumpkins

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Autumn's Scarecrows.

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Fall Leaves can be so much fun.

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Sensory Bin Corn Dig

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Face Painting

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

St. John's visits with their friends and family at the Legacy Retirement Community.



All dressed up in festive attire for a Costume Parade.

Dramatic Play

Dramatic Play

Native American Village

Dramatic Play

Dramatic Play

The First Thanksgiving

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Thanksgiving Day Feast

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Pilgrims and Native American Friends

Artistic Corner

Artistic Corner

A Plump and Perky Turkey

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Food Drive for the Blue Ridge Food Pantry.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Christmas Tree Hunt. Thank you United Methodist Men's Club!

Advent Season

Advent Season

Transporting the Christmas Tree takes team work!

Advent Season

Advent Season

Preschoolers enjoy making an array of ornaments to decorate their tree.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Telling Santa what to bring for Christmas.

Advent Season

Advent Season

All I want for Christmas is...

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Sniffmittenhoof Line. Collecting warm articles of clothing for children in need.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Mary and Joseph

Advent Season

Advent Season

The angels ready to announce the birth of baby Jesus.

Advent Season

Advent Season

The shepherds that watch over the sheep.

Advent Season

Advent Season

Three Wise Preschoolers

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Enjoying a Pancake Breakfast on a cold winter day. Yum!

Groundhog's Day

Groundhog's Day

Did you see your shadow?

Holiday Celebrations

Holiday Celebrations

Valentine's Day is full of exchanging cards and sweet treats.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Valentine's Day visit to our friends at the Legacy Retirement Community.

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

It's Pajama Day! Wear your pj's and bring your favorite stuffed animal to preschool.

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

It's Pajama Day! Wear your pj's and bring your favorite stuffed animal to preschool.

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Dr. Seuss's Silly Sock Day

Seasonal Activities

Seasonal Activities

Dr. Seuss's Crazy Hat Day!

Holiday Celebrations

Holiday Celebrations

Enjoy a wee bit of fun and decipher clues to find hidden treasures that the leprechauns left on St. Patrick's Day and then enjoy a special snack.

Season of Lent

Season of Lent

Join the Palm Parade & Holy Week Festivities.



Bunnies ready for a party.



In celebration of Easter, we color eggs and hold an Easter Egg hunt.



Coloring eggs with the help of St. John's terrific parent volunteers!



Coloring Eggs

Holiday Celebrations

Holiday Celebrations

Muffins for Moms on Mother's Day, with love!

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

St. John's holds an annual trike-a-thon to raise money for UMCOR.

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

Bike Buddies

End of the Year Program

End of the Year Program

Preschoolers performing during the end of the year program.

End of the Year Family Picnic

End of the Year Family Picnic

The social hall is ready for the end of of the year family picnic.

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